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‘Anti-Hunger’ Molecule May Transform Weight Loss

FDA Recalls Extended Release Metformin Due To Impurities

Weight loss that is caused by a common diabetes drug has been tied to an ‘anti-hunger’ molecule in a Stanford Medicine study published in Nature Metabolism, finding that the commonly prescribed drug stimulates the production of lac-phe which is a molecule that is found in abundance after exercising. The ‘anti-hunger’ molecule lac-phe was discovered by …

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The benefits of exercise in a pill? Science is closer to that goal

The benefits of exercise in a pill? Science is closer to that goal

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine and collaborating institutions report today in the journal Nature that they have identified a molecule in the blood that is produced during exercise and can effectively reduce food intake and obesity in mice. The findings improve our understanding of the physiological processes that underlie the …

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Protein, Amino Acids, And Muscle Mass

Protein, Amino Acids, And Muscle Mass

By the time the average person reaches their 60s they will lose 30% of their muscle mass. It is possible to stay strong and independent as you age thanks to science, and it may even be possible to have in more muscle with the proper healthy lifestyle choices. Proteins form muscles, bones, hair, skin, and …

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