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Unraveling The Secrets Of A Good Night's Sleep

Too Much Sleep May Increase Risk Of Dementia

A good night’s sleep can work wonders for both the mind and body. But what is it that determines how much we need to sleep, and what can cause us to sleep more deeply? In a new study, researchers from the University of Tsukuba have now provided some answers, revealing a signaling pathway within brain …

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Starving Fungi Could Save Lives

Starving Fungi Could Save Lives

Millions of lives could be saved each year with a potential new approach that has been identified to treat lethal fungal infections that claims over 1.6 million lives annually by starving the fungi of key nutrients to prevent their growth and spread. Stopping fungi from producing transporters to distribute nutrients has been found by Westmead …

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X-Linked Hypophosphatemia

X-Linked Hypophosphatemia

X-Linked Hypophosphatemia is a form of congenital bone disorder that is caused by renal excretion of phosphate which prevents the proper mineralization of the bone. Evaluation of painful skeletal sites via X-rays in order to rule out enthesopathy and occurrence of stress fractures are conducted during diagnosis along with dental and hearing tests.   Once …

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Drinking Soda May Accelerate Aging

Drinking Soda May Accelerate Aging

High levels of phosphate in sodas and processed foods have been shown to accelerate the aging process in mice and contribute to age-associated complications such as chronic kidney disease. New research suggests that drinking sodas and eating processed foods, both of which contain high levels of phosphates may accelerate the aging process. M. Shawkat Razzaque, …

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