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First U.S. Patient Receives Autologous Stem Cell Therapy To Treat Dry AMD

Genes May Hold The Key To Brain Aging

According to a news release, a surgical team successfully implanted a patch of tissue made from patient cells with the goal of treating advanced “dry” age-related macular degeneration (AMD), also known as geographic atrophy, at the National Institutes of Health. Dry AMD is a leading cause of vision loss among older Americans and currently has …

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Gene Therapy Partly Restores Cone Function In 2 Completely Colorblind Children

Gene Therapy Partly Restores Cone Function In 2 Completely Colorblind Children

Gene therapy has partly restored the function of the retina’s cone receptors in two children who were born completely colorblind, reports a new study led by UCL researchers. The findings, published in Brain, provide hope that the treatment is effectively activating previously dormant communication pathways between the retina and the brain, drawing on the plastic …

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Intriguing Connection Between Diet, Eye Health, and Lifespan Uncovered

Circadian Rhythm Disruption Promotes Tumour Growth

Researchers from the Buck Institute have demonstrated for the first time a link between diet, circadian rhythms, eye health, and lifespan in Drosophila. Publishing in the June 7, 2022 issue of Nature Communications, they additionally and unexpectedly found that processes in the fly eye are actually driving the aging process. Previous studies have shown in …

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Gene therapy shows promise in treating rare eye disease in mice

Dry eye disease negatively affects physical and mental health as well as vision

A gene therapy protects eye cells in mice with a rare disorder that causes vision loss, especially when used in combination with other gene therapies, shows a study published in eLife. The findings suggest that this therapy, whether used alone or in combination with other gene therapies that boost eye health, may offer a new …

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New Bar Set In Retinal Imaging

New Bar Set In Retinal Imaging

A team led by scientists at the National Eye Institute (NEI) has noninvasively visualized the light-sensing cells in the back of the eye, known as photoreceptors, in greater detail than ever before. Published in Optica, the researchers report how they improved imaging resolution by a third by selectively blocking the light used to image the …

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Envision Color: Activity Patterns In The Brain Are Specific To The Color You See

Envision Color: Activity Patterns In The Brain Are Specific To The Color You See

NIH research findings from a study funded by the NEI Intramural Program reveals new aspects of visual processing. The press release describes a basic research finding which may help to increase our understanding of human behavior and biology that is foundational to advancing new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.  Researchers at …

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Using Stem Cells For Blindness


Scientists from the University of Waterloo have been able to coax stem cells to grow into three dimensional retinas in a dish and show that the tissue responds to light, however putting those cells into the damaged eyes in a manner that will improve vision could present a much harder challenge. The UofW faculty has …

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