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Urban Green And Blue Spaces Linked To Less Coronary Artery Calcification

Urban Green And Blue Spaces Linked To Less Coronary Artery Calcification

Findings from a study recently published in Circulation suggest that living near and having more exposure to urban green and blue (water) spaces has been linked to lower odds of having coronary artery calcification in middle age which is an early marker of cardiovascular disease.  What is coronary artery calcification? Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is …

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Fitness Tech And Exergames: Exercising With Fitness Video Games

Fitness Tech And Exergames: Exercising With Fitness Video Games

It is no secret that people are becoming increasingly sedentary, the rates of obesity more than demonstrate this alarming trend, and the ages at which people are becoming increasingly sedentary keep getting younger and younger. People are choosing to spend the bulk of their time sitting or lying down while they watch TV, endlessly scroll …

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