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Parkinson’s Disease, Examining Clinical Approaches

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized as a progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with the loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra region of the midbrain. Classically its presentation includes a triad of motor manifestations: bradykinesia, resting tremor, and muscle rigidity. Among non-motor manifestations are autonomic dysfunction, mood disorders, and cognitive impairment. The prevalence of PD has doubled in the past …

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For Knee Replacement, Physical Therapy Reduces Risk of Chronic Opioid Use

Removal of Aging Cells to Increase Longevity

The world’s most common form of arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, causes sufferers pain and hurts their quality of life. Total knee replacement is the only option for people with severe knee osteoarthritis, but even that invasive surgery still leaves up to a third of patients with chronic knee pain. Many people who undergo total knee replacement …

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Exercise Programs Improve Stroke Outcome


People who experience a stroke and engage in a structured and progressive walking and exercise program gain improvements in functional walking ability. Nearly 800,000 Americans suffering a stroke each year, and two-thirds of stroke survivors experience limited walking ability after 3 months. Pamela W. Duncan, from Duke University (North Carolina, USA), and colleagues in the …

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Low-Intensity Exercise Can Reduce Depression in Stroke Survivors


Among stroke survivors, Canadian researchers reveal the power of physical activity in reducing depression and thereby promoting recovery during rehabilitation. Depression is a common consequence among stroke survivors, and can have negative effects on the success of rehabilitation.  Jocelyn Harris, from Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (Ontario, Canada), and colleagues have found that a low-intense exercise program …

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