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‘Battle of the sexes’ begins in womb as father and mother’s genes tussle over nutrition

Research uncovers differences between men and women in sleep, circadian rhythms and metabolism

Cambridge scientists have identified a key signal that the fetus uses to control its supply of nutrients from the placenta, revealing a tug-of-war between genes inherited from the father and from the mother. The study, carried out in mice, could help explain why some babies grow poorly in the womb. As the fetus grows, it …

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New ultrasound technique detects fetal circulation problems in placenta

New ultrasound technique detects fetal circulation problems in placenta

A team of researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health has developed a new ultrasound technique to monitor the placenta for impaired fetal blood flow early in pregnancy. The technique, which uses conventional ultrasound equipment, relies on subtle differences in the pulsation of fetal blood through the arteries at the fetal and placental ends …

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Placental Stem Cells Can Regenerate Heart After Heart Attack

Placental Stem Cells Can Regenerate Heart After Heart Attack

Stem cells derived from placenta have been demonstrated to be able to regenerate healthy heart cells after heart attack by researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, as published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Cdx2 cells have historically been thought to only generate the placenta in early embryonic …

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Lab Grown Placenta May Unlock New Research

Lab Grown Placenta May Unlock New Research

Lab grown placenta may pave the way to unlocking new medical research; the miniaturized organs may help doctors and scientists to gain better understandings of pregnancy, as published in the journal Nature. The world’s first lab grown placenta has now survived for a full year remaining stable in its petri dish, which comes as good …

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