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Plant Based Diets May Reduce Risk Of Cardiovascular Death

Plant Based Diets May Reduce Risk Of Cardiovascular Death

Mounting bodies of evidence suggest that eating more plant based foods and less animal sources may contribute to a healthy heart and cardiovascular system, as well as being good for the planet.  Recent research has found that eating more plant based foods can cut the risk for heart failure by 40%, and another found that …

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Do Plant Based Diets Live Up To All The Hype?

Plant Compound Showing Promise For Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s

Hardly a day goes by without hearing a celebrity or scientist claiming veganism and plant based diets have benefits. But is this really true, is a plant based diet as healthy as all the hype? It really does seem as if plant based diets are the way to go, as recently Harvard scientists conducted a …

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Plant Based Diet Leads To Crohn’s Disease Remission

Plant Based Diet Leads To Crohn’s Disease Remission

According to a case study published in the journal Nutrients eating a plant based diet which is also free of processed foods may be an effective treatment for Crohn’s disease.  This case involves a man in his late 20s who had been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease after reporting experiencing bloating, nausea, fatigue, episodic severe abdominal …

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