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Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors in Your New Home

Biophilic Design: Bringing Nature Indoors in Your New Home

Welcome to the transformative world of biophilic design, a unique approach that links the beauty of nature to our living spaces. This design philosophy transcends mere aesthetics and is crucial in enhancing our well-being through nature and connecting us more deeply with the environment. Biophilic design is not just about adding plants; it’s about creating …

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How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

How Seniors Can Harness the Healing Power of Nature

To cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling life as we age, spending time amidst greenery can be a key strategy. Studies have revealed that just about two hours per week in natural environments like parks or forests significantly boosts health and mental wellness. This isn’t just a blanket statement; its benefits extend across various demographics, …

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Houseplants Help Protect Against Cancer-Causing Air Pollutants

A groundbreaking study led by the University of Technology Sydney in partnership with Ambius reveals that a small indoor green wall of plants can effectively remove toxic petrol fumes, including cancer-causing compounds like benzene from indoor air.  Plants help to brighten up a room and as it turns out they can also help to protect …

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Nanoplastics Can Move Up The Food Chain From Plants To Insects And From Insects To Fish

A new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows that lettuce can take up nanoplastics from the soil and transfer them into the food chain. The concern about plastic pollution has become widespread after it was realised that mismanaged plastics in the environment break down into smaller pieces known as microplastics and nanoplastics. It …

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Going With The Flow: Study Shows Canals Help Boost Your Mood


The study, carried out by King’s College London, Nomad Projects, and J & L Gibbons in partnership with the Canal & River Trust, shows that spending time by canals and rivers is linked to feeling happy and healthy. Researchers report that the combination of blue and green space with wildlife has a greater impact on …

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Artificial photosynthesis can produce food without sunshine

Consider The Environment As Well As Health When Reaching For Sweets

Photosynthesis has evolved in plants for millions of years to turn water, carbon dioxide, and the energy from sunlight into plant biomass and the foods we eat. This process, however, is very inefficient, with only about 1% of the energy found in sunlight ending up in the plant. Scientists at UC Riverside and the University …

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Must Grow Medicinal Plants This 2022

Evolution of Herbal Cures for Cancer: Molecular Science Holds the Key

Manufactured medications and prescriptions have taken over the globe today. But do they have to be the only way to get better? Despite having these manufactured choices at our disposal, many people still resort to the medical plants that started it all: herbal medicines that can cure and promote physical and emotional well-being.   While …

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Ways To Help Eradicate Air Pollution In Your Area

Air Pollution Decreases Lung Function

Several factors have combined to build a devastating impact on the environment. Evolution has led to modernization and raised the pace of infrastructural projects and industrialization. Civilization has surged more so as a demand rather than a need, and along with this unfortunately the condition of the environment and air is constantly deteriorating.  Air pollution …

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Plants That May Help Improve Indoor Air Quality

Improving Indoor Air Quality To Help Protect Health

As the days become darker, colder and seemingly longer many of us find ourselves spending less time outdoors and retreating back inside our homes to the warmth and comfort it provides. After some time inside many will start to feel that stuffiness inside and miss the great outdoors, but care not to venture back out …

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Improving Indoor Air Quality To Help Protect Health

Improving Indoor Air Quality To Help Protect Health

Billions of people around the globe are spending prolonged periods of time indoors due to restrictions trying to get a handle on this outbreak. While this may reduce the chance of becoming infected, it does bring to attention the quality of air inside of our homes.  Some are beginning to worry that the quality of …

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