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Spring Is In The Air, Unfortunately So Are Allergens

Spring Is In The Air, Unfortunately So Are Allergens

Ah Spring, the wonderful time of year when the cold begins to fade away, trees and flowers start to blossom revealing splashes of fresh vibrant colors and sleeping wildlife comes out of hiding. How wonderful and glorious! But if you suffer from seasonal allergies, all these pretty changes in scenery may make you feel worse, …

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Allergy Alert: The Lowest Pollen Counts Occur Between 4 AM And Noon

Allergy Alert: The Lowest Pollen Counts Occur Between 4 AM And Noon

Those with pollen allergies may find it helpful to know and be aware of what time of day when they are outside that they could be exposed to higher pollen levels. A recent study shows that peak pollen counts happen outside from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m, and they are lowest between 4 a.m to noon.  …

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It’s Just About Allergy Season Again

Doctor’s Caution On Sneezing With Closing Both Mouth & Nose

It’s just about that time of year again, and that’s nothing to sneeze at. Spring is warming the air, and so are millions of pollen particles that fertilize plants and tickle noses. Seasonal allergies such as hay fever can affect anyone at any time, although it typically begins in childhood or early adulthood. Sometimes allergy …

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