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Air Filtration Systems May Not Prevent You From Getting Sick

Air Filtration Systems May Not Prevent You From Getting Sick

“Air cleaners” or air filtration systems are designed to catch or filter pollutants and contaminants out of the air that passes through them, but according to recent research from the University of East Anglia submitted to the preprint server medRXiv, these systems do not reduce the risk of catching viral infections.  This study investigating air …

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Selenium reduces mixtures of environmental pollutants' harmful effects on health

Selenium reduces mixtures of environmental pollutants' harmful effects on health

A study in mice conducted by the University of Cordoba proves that exposure to contaminating mixtures of metals and drug residue increases damage to health, and evaluates the positive effects of a diet enriched in selenium to reduce this harm. People are exposed daily, through the environment and their diets, to external substances that can …

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Household Air Cleaners Improve Heart Health Among Individuals With COPD, Researchers Find

Study Links Poor Sleep To Increased Risk Of COPD Flare-Ups

According to a new release, a six-month study led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers concludes that the use of portable home air purifiers can improve some markers of cardiovascular health in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. People suffering from COPD often experience shortness of breath, chest tightness, and chronic cough. Cardiovascular diseases …

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People Generate Their Own Oxidation Field & Change The Indoor Air Chemistry Around Them

New Test To Diagnose Respiratory Viral Illnesses

People typically spend 90 percent of their lives inside, at home, at work, or in transport. Within these enclosed spaces, occupants are exposed to a multitude of chemicals from various sources, including outdoor pollutants penetrating indoors, gaseous emissions from building materials and furnishings, and products of our own activities such as cooking and cleaning. In …

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Apiaceous Vegetables May Help To Thwart Air Pollutants

Apiaceous Vegetables May Help To Thwart Air Pollutants

While air pollution is on the rise throughout the world, Jae Kyeom Kim, University of Delaware assistant professor for the Department of Behavioral Health and Nutrition, discovered an achievable solution that may mitigate the effect of air pollutants in our bodies by increasing our daily intake of apiaceous vegetables. Apiaceous vegetables are a family consisting …

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Exposure To Pollutants, Increased Free-Radical Damage Speeds Up Aging

Fight The First Signs Of Aging With Astaxanthin

Every day, our bodies face a bombardment of UV rays, ozone, cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals and other hazards. This exposure can lead to free-radical production in our bodies, which damages our DNA and tissues. A new study from West Virginia University researcher Eric E. Kelley — in collaboration with the University of Minnesota — suggests …

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Burnt Toast May Be More Toxic Than Traffic Fumes

Lead Exposure

University of Texas researchers have found burnt toast to be especially harmful, and suggest to always go for the light golden colour, as published in the journal Atmosphere. A mockup of a three bedroom home was built and equipped with monitors to assess how everyday activities impact air quality; frying and roasting was found to …

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An Unwanted Import

An Unwanted Import

Air pollution from China now travels across the Pacific Ocean to threaten the United States. A persistent health concern in China, as much as 36% of air pollutants in the nation in 2006 were attributable to production processes of goods for export – with as much as 20% of that specifically linked to US-China trade.  …

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Diabetes Risk Rises with Exposure to Chemical Pollutants


Spanish team demonstrates link between a presence of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the body and the development of type 2 diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes in the world has significantly increased in the last decades. It is estimated that by 2030, 4.4% of the world population have this metabolic disorder. A study conducted at the …

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Trends in Environmental Pollutants


Although emissions of toxic air pollutants in the United States continue to decline, total releases of toxic chemicals in the air, water and land are on the rise. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the 2011 Edition of the “Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), reporting data on toxic chemical releases to the air, water and …

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