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Wild Blackberries May Promote Brain Health

Wild Blackberries May Promote Brain Health

Abundant in polyphenol antioxidants, extracts of wild blackberries  may help to protect brain cells from oxidative stress. Wild blackberries are a rich source of phenolic compounds, which are associated with antioxidant properties. Researchers from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) analyzed two specific species of wild blackberries, Rubus brigantinus and Rubus vagabundus, and found that …

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Apples Confer Anti-Cancer Protection

Apple A Day May Keep Heart Problems Away

Rich in vitamins, minerals and polyphenol antioxidants, apples in the form of smoothies have increased bioavailability and may thus offer greater protection against cancer.  Previous research has suggested that different food matrixes may affect the bioavailability of polyphenols in the colon. In that apples are rich in a diverse array of vitamins, minerals and polyphenol …

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Green Tea May Protect DNA from Oxidative Damage

Green Tea Supports Heart Health

Rich in polyphenol antioxidants, green tea may protect against damage at the genetic level. Green tea, which contains 30 to 40% polyphenols, a potent type of antioxidant, has been shown by numerous previous studies to counteract oxidative stress at the cellular level.   Iris Benzie, from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong), and colleagues engaged …

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Berries Boost Brain Health

Berries Boost Brain Health

High in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, blueberries and strawberries scrub up toxic proteins linked to age-related memory loss and cognitive decline. Blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.  Shibu M. Poulose, from the Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (Massachusetts, USA), and colleagues have found that polyphenol antioxidants present in …

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