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50 Shades Of Poop

50 Shades Of Poop

Most people really don’t give much attention to what they deposit in the toilet, but with its variety of shapes, smells, and shades your excrement can be a window into your digestive health. Those with Crohn’s disease in particular have to keep a close watch on their toilet deposits for possible signs of changes in …

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Possibility Of Poop Capsule Treatment?

Possibility Of Poop Capsule Treatment?

Probiotics may have healing powers, but specificity matters, you can’t overload any bacteria and expect result to be only beneficial; destroying harmful bacteria can cause chaos in microbiome ecosystems, and probiotic use can result in accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that may result in disorienting brain fogginess and belly bloating. Excrement holds keys …

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Behind The Bathroom Door

Behind The Bathroom Door

Many people don’t understand how important it is to have bowel movements, and I bet right now some of them reading this might feel a bit awkward, without need, it’s a natural vital process. This is also a way to kind of keep an eye on the health of internal systems. See them as a …

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