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Lack Of Access To Healthy Food May Increase Risk Of Death From Heart Failure

World Health 10 Part Healthy Heart Series: Part VI

According to a news release, a study reviewing data from nearly 3,000 counties in the United States has found that living in a community with easy access to grocery stores and affordable, healthy food is associated with lower heart failure death rates, according to new research published today in Circulation: Heart Failure, an American Heart …

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Risk Of Premature Death Influenced By Patterns Of Early Childhood Adversity

Risk Of Premature Death Influenced By Patterns Of Early Childhood Adversity

Poverty, combined with other types of adversity in early childhood, is associated with greater chances of premature death in adulthood, compared to other adverse childhood experiences, according to a study of more than 46,000 people by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Compared to children who did not experience early life adversity, childhood poverty …

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American Life Expectancy Depending On State

American Life Expectancy Continues To Fall

Life expectancy data from 2019 showed a national average of 78.8 years. Hawaii had the highest life expectancy, at 80.9, and Mississippi had the lowest at 74.4. Most of the states with lower life expectancies were located in the South and had higher poverty rates. Highest female life expectancy was in Hawaii at 83.9 years, …

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17-year study of children associates poverty with smaller, slower-growing subcortical regions

Neighborhood Characteristics May Affect Epigenetic Predictors of Mortality Risk

According to recent research, poverty may be affecting children’s brains. Children in poverty are more likely to have cognitive and behavioral difficulties than their better-off peers. Plenty of past research has looked into the physical effects of childhood poverty, or documented mental health disparities between socioeconomic classes. But Deanna Barch, chair and professor in the …

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A Sleep Study’s Eye-Opening Findings

A Sleep Study’s Eye-Opening Findings

Subjectively, getting more sleep seems to provide big benefits: Many people find it gives them increased energy, emotional control, and an improved sense of well-being. But a new study co-authored by MIT economists complicates this picture, suggesting that more sleep, by itself, isn’t necessarily sufficient to bring about those kinds of appealing improvements. The study …

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Neighborhood-Based Obesity Risk in Aging Populations

Effects Of Obesity Mirrors That Of Aging

More than a third of adults in the United States have obesity, and people who live in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods with lower-income and less-educated populations have a higher risk of obesity. This includes older adult populations, which continue to grow and increase the demand for health care. In fact, Americans born between 1946 and 1962 …

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Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences

Note: The original article is published on the Foundation For Economic Education (FEE). This is an opinion piece adopted from Fee, and although it is using studies, it does not necessarily reflect that of WHN, this is merely a look at the current situation via a perspective/outlook different from what is being portrayed in the …

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Persistent Poverty Linked to Increased Risk of Dying from Cancer

USA Ranks High For Obesity, Diabetes And Heart Disease

It’s been known for some time that poverty is associated with worse cancer outcomes, including a higher risk of dying from cancer. These and other cancer disparities are thought to be caused by many different factors. A new study by NCI researchers and their colleagues delves more deeply into the links between poverty and cancer …

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Most People Don’t Have The Assets To Endure 3 Months Without Income

Most People Don’t Have The Assets To Endure 3 Months Without Income

The current case of palpable poverty: a high percentage of Americans are on the brink of financial disaster with 77% low to moderate income households dipping below the asset poverty threshold according to a recent study conducted by Oregon State University.  This means that in the event of job loss or income loss, such as …

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Living In Asset Poverty

Living In Asset Poverty

Many Americans are just barely making it pay cheque to pay cheque, they simply don’t earn enough money to build savings, and can’t afford to purchase healthier food choices as well as better education, healthcare and child care.  Oregon State University has found definite statistical truth to these sentiments and has concluded that over 63% …

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