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Do You Know What Functional Foods Are?

2019 Functional Food Trends

Increasing interest is being shown in people wanting to improve their health by making more healthful food choices, as such functional foods are gaining popularity in health and wellness. This is actually a great choice as science and medicine have long supported this lifestyle intervention option and are revealing the associations between the gut and …

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Is Your Body Clock Off-Schedule? Prebiotics May Help

Study Finds that Flights Can Make Aircrew Sick

Whether it’s from jetting across time zones, pulling all-nighters at school or working the overnight shift, chronically disrupting our circadian rhythm — or internal biological clocks — can take a measurable toll on everything from sleep, mood and metabolism to risk of certain diseases, mounting research shows. But a new University of Colorado Boulder study …

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Almonds Aid Digestive Health

Almonds Aid Digestive Health

Rich in fiber and plant phytochemicals, almonds may help boost levels of “good bacteria” in the gut. Prebiotics are compounds that help to promote “good bacteria” (probiotics) in the gastrointestinal tract, with which a wide variety of beneficial health effects are associated.  Zhibin Liu, from Fuzhou University (China), and colleagues enrolled 48 healthy men and …

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