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Blood-based metabolic signature outperforms standard method for predicting diet, disease risk

Blood-based metabolic signature outperforms standard method for predicting diet, disease risk

When it comes to studying food and diet, it’s difficult to know what people are eating — let alone their risk of disease caused by what they eat. Doctors and researchers usually ask people to fill out a long-from food frequency questionnaire that estimates caloric intake, food groups and nutrients. That relies on a person’s …

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Heart Calcium Scoring is A Must Do to Not Die: New Data, No Excuses

Heart Calcium Scoring is A Must Do to Not Die: New Data, No Excuses

Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. You are at the doctor’s office for your annual physical exam, maybe age 45, …

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New Personalized Test For An Earlier And More Accurate Prediction Of Cancer Relapse

When The Microbiome Goes Wrong And Promotes Cancer

Researchers have developed a new protocol for monitoring acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the most common cancer in children, to inform more effective treatment strategies and detect disease recurrence. The personalized mediator probe PCR (MP PCR) uses multiple genomic cancer cell markers in a single assay and is simpler than current techniques. It improves monitoring clonal …

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Epidemiologists Develop Advanced State-Of-The-Art Tool For Measuring The Pace Of Aging

The World’s Oldest Man

Researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health have developed a new blood test to measure the pace of biological aging. Based on an analysis of chemical tags on the DNA contained in white blood cells, called DNA methylation marks, the new test is named DunedinPACE, after the Dunedin Birth Cohort used to develop …

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Artificial intelligence models to analyze cancer images can take shortcuts that introduce bias for minority patients

AI-enabled EKGs find difference between numerical age and biological age significantly affects health

Artificial intelligence tools and deep learning models are a powerful tool in cancer treatment. They can be used to analyze digital images of tumor biopsy samples, helping physicians quickly classify the type of cancer, predict prognosis and guide a course of treatment for the patient. However, unless these algorithms are properly calibrated, they can sometimes …

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Demographic Perspectives On The Rise Of Longevity

Are Officials In China Downplaying Infection Numbers?

PNAS recently published a report discussing the demographic perspectives on the rise of longevity that reviews some key strands of demographic research on past trends in human longevity and explores possible future trends in life expectancy at birth. Abstract: Demographic data on age-specific mortality are used to estimate life expectancy, and validated data on exceptional …

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Research Suggests That New York City May Have Reached Herd Immunity Threshold

Research Suggests That New York City May Have Reached Herd Immunity Threshold

A recent study published on the preprint server medRxiv (medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports) from researchers at the University of Illinois and Brookhaven National Laboratory discusses the effect of the persistent contact heterogeneity factor on the final epidemic size of COVID-19. The paper says that using estimates based on this measure reduced the herd immunity …

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Projected Health Food Trends For 2020

Projected Health Food Trends For 2020

We are poised to enter a new decade, and in terms of health food this may be a whole new realm as this past year has brought forth plant based meat and probiotic backed pantry goods. If you think the industry won’t get more innovative you may want to rethink that, as the industry is …

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Crowdsourcing Algorithms To Predict Seizures

Crowdsourcing Algorithms To Predict Seizures

University of Melbourne reveals epileptic seizure prediction of up to 90% improvement is possible in a wider range of patients than was once thought due to crowdsourcing upwards of 10,000 algorithms from around the world, as published in Brain: A Journal of Neurology. 65 million people are estimated worldwide to be affected by epilepsy which …

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