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Dim Lights Before Bedtime To Reduce Risk Of Gestational Diabetes

Dim Lights Before Bedtime To Reduce Risk Of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes mellitus is a common pregnancy complication with significant health risks for both mother and offspring Gestational diabetes is rising fast and is now 7.8% of all births in the U.S. Mother with gestational diabetes has an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and dementia; offspring more likely to have obesity and hypertension Pregnant …

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How better planning, behavior regulation may lead to eating less fat

Strategies To Help Slow Stress Eating

New research suggests coaching overweight or obese pregnant women to improve their ability to plan and make progress toward goals may be key to helping them lower the amount of fat in their diet. Maternal diet quality affects prenatal development and long-term child health outcomes, but the stress that typically increases during pregnancy — often …

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Undiagnosed endometriosis compromises fertility treatment

Undiagnosed endometriosis compromises fertility treatment

Women with undiagnosed endometriosis will have difficulty falling pregnant without IVF, according to a University of Queensland study. UQ School of Public Health researcher, Dr Katrina Moss, said women whose endometriosis went undiagnosed until after they began fertility treatment ended up doing more cycles, used treatments that aren’t recommended, and were less likely to have …

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Most Comprehensive Review Yet of Keto Diets Finds Heart Risks, Cancer Risk, Dangers to Pregnant Women and Kidney Patients


In the most comprehensive analysis yet of ketogenic (keto) diets, a review in Frontiers in Nutrition finds keto diets place pregnant women and kidney disease patients at risk of adverse health effects. The review, Ketogenic Diets and Chronic Disease: Weighing the Benefits Against the Risks, also found that for most people, the possible long-term risks …

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New Genes Linked To Longer Reproductive Lifespan In Women

New ultrasound technique detects fetal circulation problems in placenta

The age at which women go through menopause is critical for fertility and impacts healthy ageing in women, but reproductive ageing has been difficult for scientists to study and insights into the underlying biology are limited. Now, scientists have identified nearly 300 gene variations that influence the reproductive lifespan in women. Additionally, in mice, they …

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