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2024’s Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

According to the EWG’s 2024 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, close to 75% of non-organic fresh produce sold in America contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides and fungicides. Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes a list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list describing the most contaminated and lowest amounts of …

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Growing Your Own Produce Promotes Better Nutrition And Less Waste

Growing Your Own Produce Promotes Better Nutrition And Less Waste

Household production of fruit and vegetables, in allotments and gardens, could be a sustainable way to both secure and promote more healthful nutrition while reducing waste, according to recent research published in Plants, People, Planet, from the University of Sheffield called “The contribution of household fruit and vegetable growing to fruit and vegetable self-sufficiency and …

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2023’s Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen

Pesticide Exposure Linked With Autism

According to the Environmental Working Group, nearly 75% of non-organic fresh produce sold in America contains residues of potentially dangerous pesticides. To help protect families the scientists at EWG create a shopping guide every year to help avoid the worst offenders and identify better choices, this year’s listing has two new additions to the Dirty …

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A preliminary study finds organic vegetables contaminated with a wide range of disease-causing microbes

According to a press release from the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022, Lisbon, 23-26 April) a preliminary study has found that organic vegetables are often contaminated with a wide range of disease-causing microbes.  Disease-causing amoebas that live on organic spinach and lettuce also shelter human pathogens like Pseudomonas, Salmonella, and …

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Subsidy Would Improve Fruit And Veggie Intake, Says Economists

Subsidy Would Improve Fruit And Veggie Intake, Says Economists

New University of Warwick research shows consumers are paying 40% more than the marginal cost for fruit and vegetables High fixed costs in the supply chain mean consumers buy 15% less fruit and vegetables The team of economists argues that a government subsidy of 25% of the cost of fruit and vegetables could fix these …

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Strawberry Concerns

Strawberries Prevent Dementia and Cognitive Decline

Recently a video has gone viral showing white bugs in strawberries that were submerged in a saltwater bath, and this has many people concerned. But should you be, the short answer is no, not really, even though that video may have you feeling a bit squeamish.  The insects in this video are called the spotted …

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Produce Rich Diets Tied To Better Heart Health

Produce Rich Diets Tied To Better Heart Health

A recent observational study examined the links between markers of heart health and 3 types of diets and concluded that plant based diets which are rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with better heart health.  The three types of diets were : a typical Western diet, the DASH diet, and a fruit and vegetable …

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High Fiber Intake May Reduce Risk Of Breast Cancer

High Fiber Intake May Reduce Risk Of Breast Cancer

According to a systematic review published by the American Cancer Society high fiber intake may help to reduce the risk of breast cancer based on their findings comparing fiber consumption and types with incidence rates.  After comparing fiber consumption and types of fiber intake with breast cancer incidence rates from 17 cohort trials, 2 nested …

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Food Can Help To Improve Outcomes

Food Can Help To Improve Outcomes

Congestive heart failure is difficult to treat, and this condition affects over 6 million Americans, which results from the heart’s inability to pump blood to the rest of the body leading to fluid buildup in the lungs. To treat this condition the go to is medication that removes the excess fluid from the lungs. However, …

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The New Cosmic Crisp Apple

The New Cosmic Crisp Apple

A new variety of fruit has entered the American food market, one that took more than two decades to develop and can allegedly last for up to a year in the fridge….. The apple was just launch, and no it is not technology or plastic, it is classed as a fruit. The Cosmic Crisp apple …

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