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The Ongoing Debate For Going Organic

The Ongoing Debate For Going Organic

You are most likely consuming measurable amounts of pesticide residue with every bite you take of produce that has been conventionally grown; the latest US FDA report has revealed that pesticide residues are widespread on common popular produce including, grapes, strawberries, and apples.  The US FDA examines produce for contamination with such chemicals via their …

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Can You Lower Risks Of Cancer With Organic Foods?

Can You Lower Risks Of Cancer With Organic Foods?

Organics this, organics that, is all this talk about organics just hype of an overpriced gimmick, or can consuming more of it really have a tangible effect on health and longevity? It may be convenient to view all produce as equally nutritious, but that is not the case as results from a growing body of …

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70% Of Produce Found To Be Contaminated With Pesticides

BIOSLUDGE And Food Crops

Despite the pesticide and herbicide producers claiming agricultural chemicals disappear after being sprayed on crops research from the Environmental Working Group has found 70% of fresh produce within the USA is contaminated with pesticide chemicals. Pesticide chemicals are toxic to life, otherwise they would not kill the living organisms that threaten crops, there is no …

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