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Arthritis-related gene also regenerates cartilage in joints and growth plates

What Is Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

The IL-6 family of proteins has a bad reputation: it can promote inflammation, arthritis, autoimmune disease and even cancer. However, a new USC-led study published in Communications Biology reveals the importance of IL-6 and associated genes for maintaining and regenerating cartilage in both the joints and in the growth plates that enable skeletal growth in …

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Stem Cell Research Reveals Culprit Of Remyelination

Stem Cell Research Reveals Culprit Of Remyelination

The spontaneous regeneration of brain fatty insulators that keep neurons communicating is called remyelination; stem cell research has revealed the culprit of what prevents remyelination and possibly leads to multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases. Scientists from the University of Buffalo have revealed preclinical findings showing activation of a specific transcription factor, PRRX1 in human …

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Fat Tissue As a Source of Stem Cells


Scientists from South Korea find that fat tissue may be a promising new source of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) possess the ability to regenerate and differentiate into many different kinds of cells. HSPCs are found in high quantities in the bone marrow, but the process of extracting …

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