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Researchers Identify A Molecule Critical to Functional Brain Rejuvenation

Researchers Identify A Molecule Critical to Functional Brain Rejuvenation

Recent studies suggest that new brain cells are being formed every day in response to injury, physical exercise, and mental stimulation. Glial cells, and in particular the ones called oligodendrocyte progenitors, are highly responsive to external signals and injuries. They can detect changes in the nervous system and form new myelin, which wraps around nerves …

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Regenerative Potential Of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Stem Cell Culture Is Moving To The Third Dimension

After the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells in the Nobel Prize winning lab of researcher Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University in 2006, the thick morality lined clouds hovering over embryonic stem cell research began to fade away making room for happier times. Stem cells harvested from adults cells rather than embryos are less controversial …

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Creating Clinical Grade Bone

Creating Clinical Grade Bone

Scientists find that mesenchymal progenitors can be grown without use of animal derived compounds, making strides in creation of clinical grade bone, as published in Stem Cell Research and Therapy. Scientists from the New York Stem Cell Foundation have identified 2 types of growth media that can support effective expansion of mesenchymal progenitor cells from …

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