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Melatonin’s Protective Heart Effects Not Antioxidant Related

Melatonin’s Protective Heart Effects Not Antioxidant Related

New research presented at the American Physiological Society annual meeting suggests that the antiarrhythmic benefits from melatonin are distinct from its antioxidant property effects. Melatonin is known to have antiarrhythmic effects which were assumed to be due to its antioxidant effects. An international team of researchers have examined how melatonin affected hearts in rat models …

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Cobalt: The Forgotten Mineral

Cobalt: The Forgotten Mineral

The forgotten mineral cobalt has been found to offer antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits according to two American doctors. Cobalt is a crucial component in batteries that power mobile devices, however it doesn’t get credit for having two important attributes that contribute to overall health which are having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. According to a …

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Mountain Ginseng Properties Examined

Mountain Ginseng Properties Examined

Many ancient Chinese medicines are known to be effective, but are not commonly understood. Among those are the root of mountain ginseng which is popular for its pharmacological like properties. Mountain ginseng can carry an expensive price tag, which is most likely due to it being quite scarce, making it a bit inaccessible to those …

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Lemongrass And Orange Essential Oils Are Antibacterial Agents

Lemongrass And Orange Essential Oils Are Antibacterial Agents

Orange and lemongrass essential oils have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Researchers from the University of Ibadan were able to observe the abilities of these oils to scavenge free radicals and chelate metals with their phenolic, flavonoid, and antimicrobial contents, as published in the European Journal of Medicinal Plants. Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants …

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