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Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

Combined results from randomized human trials and animal studies suggest consuming propionate used widely in food to prevent mold increases levels of hormones linked to obesity and diabetes, as published in Science Translational Medicine. The sympathetic nervous system has been found to be activated by low doses of propionate, as well as production of fasting …

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Protein Works With Gut Bacteria To Prevent Obesity

Protein Works With Gut Bacteria To Prevent Obesity

Obesity has been linked with higher levels of inflammation, with the exact underlying mechanisms remaining unclear. Recently researchers have learned how one anti-inflammatory protein influences weight gain, as published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe. University of Carolina researchers and colleagues have published a study saying the anti-inflammatory protein NLRP12 protected against obesity and …

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