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Energy And Macronutrients Across Lifespan

Increasing plant-based offerings at hospitals can improve community health outcomes

Current research appears to be taking pointers from the past and is trending toward the concept of food as medicine, which is a philosophy in which food and nutrition are positioned within intervention to support health and wellness that dates back to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates who once said: “Let food be thy medicine …

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PFAS exposure from high seafood diets may be underestimated

A Dartmouth-led study suggests that people who frequently consume seafood may face an increased risk of exposure to PFAS, the family of ubiquitous and resilient human-made toxins known as “forever chemicals.” The findings stress the need for more stringent public health guidelines that establish the amount of seafood people can safely consume to limit their …

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Eating Too Much Protein May Be Bad For Your Arteries

Avoid Junk Protein For Healthy Weight Loss

A molecular mechanism has been discovered by researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine by which excessive intake of dietary protein could increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, their findings have been published in Nature Metabolism.  The study combined small human trials with experiments in mice as well as cells in a Petri …

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Remarkably Fit 93-Year-Old Offers Tips On Aging

Remarkably Fit 93-Year-Old Offers Tips On Aging

Richard Morgan is 93 years young, but he’s probably unlike most nonagenarians (a person between 90-99 years old) that you have ever met. This inspiring Irishman is probably fitter than most people, he’s estimated to be as fit as a 40-year-old, and proof that it is never too late to make lifestyle changes and start a …

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Seeking The Perfect Salad

The Surprising Superfood No One Talks About: A Cardiologist Explains

According to a random double opt-in survey involving 2000 general population adult Americans conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Fresh Express, the average person is eating 4 salads a week, but only 14% are using the dressing as a dip on the side rather than toppings, and iceberg lettuce seems to be set to overtake …

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The Green Mediterranean Diet May Be Twice As Healthy As Mediterranean Diet

The Green Mediterranean Diet May Be Twice As Healthy As Mediterranean Diet

A randomized controlled clinical trial led by Prof. Iris Shai of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, an adjunct Professor from the Harvard School of Public Health and an honorary professor at the University of Leipzig, Germany published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that the green Mediterranean diet which is …

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Fat Flies Live Longer On a Diet At Any Age

Fat Flies Live Longer On a Diet At Any Age

Old, obese flies get healthier and live longer if put on a diet, University of Connecticut researchers report on Dec. 8 in PNAS. If the effect holds true for humans, it would mean it’s never too late for obese people to improve their health with diet. For way too many of us, eating too much …

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Bean-fully Beneficial

For one reason or another most people overlook beans when planning meals, and that is unfortunate because beans are a convenient, versatile, nutritious, and economical legume that contains a unique combination of plant-based protein and fiber, as well as essential vitamins and minerals that carry a variety of health benefits like promoting digestion, increasing healthy …

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The Vegan Cardiologist on a Mission to Prevent Million Heart Attacks: Meet Joel Kahn


Article courtesy of Dr. Joel Kahn, MD, who is a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, one of the world’s top cardiologists, a best-selling author, lecturer, and a leading expert in plant-based nutrition and holistic care. He shared a recent interview to bring more attention to important questions and answers …

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Small But Mighty: Chia Seeds Pack A Powerful Nutritional Punch

Can Chia Seeds Help With Body Weight?

Chia seeds may be small, but they are loaded with a wealth of important nutrients that can help to support a healthy and nutritious diet. These tiny crunchy fiber-rich little seeds are full of protein which can help to make you feel full for longer. They come from the flowering plant Salvia hispanica, and several …

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