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Maintaining Lifestyle Changes During Temptation Season

Maintaining Lifestyle Changes During Temptation Season

Temptation Season is upon us once more. All of those delectable smells and tantalizing culinary sights seem to be like a mythical Siren trying their best to lure us to eat more. Outside has changed to be a little less inviting with its darker and cooler days prompting us to stay inside more. But when …

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Quinoa-Based Diet Stabilizes Blood Sugar In Older Adults

Benefits Of Eating Quinoa

According to a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, a quinoa-based diet was able to normalize glucose metabolism, and this effect was more pronounced among elderly people with impaired glucose tolerance, suggesting that quinoa is a healthy pseudocereal that is far more beneficial and nutritious than other cereal products. Quinoa is known for its …

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Fiber-Rich Foods That May Help To Promote Weight Loss

Fiber-Rich Foods That May Help To Promote Weight Loss

Weight loss, there is no question that for some it can be a challenge. All those fad diets that we seem to be bombarded with may help us to drop a few pounds in the short term, they really are not practical or sustainable, and most times they really are not healthy.  Fad diets often …

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Have You Considered Quinoa Lately?

Benefits Of Eating Quinoa

Are you trying to eat more healthy, or just looking for variety and an alternative to rice, potatoes or pasta?  Well look no further, let us present quinoa as a possible option to consider. It is a tasty and versatile gluten free, high protein, high fiber alternative that makes a great addition to almost any …

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Easy Ways To Help Improve Your Health

Small Steps Can Lead To Big Changes In Health

This is the season that invites us to eat a little bit lighter and become more active outdoors with its brighter, longer, and warmer days trying their best to invoke sun shiny happiness inspiration in us all.  For those looking to engage in a more healthful lifestyle that is perhaps in a reaction to a …

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Benefits Of Eating Quinoa

Benefits Of Eating Quinoa

Although only recently gaining popularity Quinoa is not new, it dates back 3-4000 years ago when the Incas in South America first discovered the “mother of all grains” seed was fit for human consumption, and it was thought to increase stamina of their warriors. Technically quinoa isn’t categorized as a cereal grain, rather a pseudo-cereal …

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