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New AI Model Can Estimate Your Age By Looking At Your Chest

New AI Model Can Estimate Your Age By Looking At Your Chest

A new AI model has been developed by Osaka Metropolitan University scientists using chest radiographs to accurately estimate chronological age. The researchers report that they found a positive relationship between differences in its estimates and chronological ages and a variety of chronic diseases, and their findings are published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity. The deep …

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AI Fails To Pass Radiology Qualifying Examination

Scientists Show How AI May Spot Unseen Signs Of Heart Failure

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently unable to pass one of the qualifying radiology examinations, suggesting that this promising technology is not yet ready to replace doctors, finds a study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ.  AI is increasingly being used for some tasks that doctors do, such as interpreting radiographs (x-rays and scans) to …

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