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Early Death Crisis In America

A Tribute to Dr. Rashid Buttar

Public healthcare is letting Americans down according to a study led by the Boston University School of Public Health. In their recent study which is published in the journal PNAS Nexus, the leading researchers say that the nation is “experiencing a crisis of early death” in comparison to other wealthy nations.  Their findings indicate that …

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Cancer Deaths Rose To 10 Million Worldwide In 2019

Living In Asset Poverty

Cancer deaths rose to 10 million and new cases jumped to over 23 million globally in 2019, according to a new scientific study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington School of Medicine. At the start of the decade in 2010, total cancer deaths numbered 8.29 million worldwide …

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Dementia Kills Far More Than Previously Thought

Dementia Kills Far More Than Previously Thought

According to the Boston University School of Medicine dementia may be an underlying cause of up to three times more deaths within America than the official records are showing; the American death rate could be underestimated by 2.7 times in public records and this varies greatly by race. The researcher’s findings published in the journal …

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State STD Rates For 2019

Sexually Transmitted Infections Are On The Rise

In America sexually transmitted diseases have reached an all time high, with over 2.5 million new cases according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention federal agency.  With advances in medicine and treatments available that have helped to lengthen the lifespans of those who are HIV positive we are hearing less about STDs in …

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On Average Only 6% Of COVID-19 Infections Detected Worldwide?

COVID-19 Stable For Hours To Days On Surfaces

According to research from the University of Gottingen as the number of confirmed cases continues to increase worldwide, the true numbers of infection may be dramatically underestimated.  Estimates of COVID-19 mortality and time until death were used in a recent study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases to test the quality of official case records, …

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Are Officials In China Downplaying Infection Numbers?

Are Officials In China Downplaying Infection Numbers?

Some agencies are reporting that officials in China are keeping two sets of coronavirus infections numbers: a set they let the public see, and the actual numbers. Recently this infectious disease has been spreading globally, and experts have been warning that China has been significantly understating the true numbers of infections and deaths caused by …

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Polluted Cities Have Increased Suicide And Alzheimer’s Rates

Polluted Cities Have Increased Suicide And Alzheimer’s Rates

Polluted megacities have increased risks for suicide among children and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease according to University of Montana researchers, as published in the Journal of Environmental Research.   Metropolitan Mexico City has a population of over 24 million residents which are exposed to concentrations of tiny particulate matter and ozone levels on a …

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