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The Quest For Sleep: Struggling With Insomnia

The Quest For Sleep: Struggling With Insomnia

From time to time most people will struggle to fall asleep, but insomnia can leave you feeling pretty desperate after a few restless nights. It may take trial and error but there are some practical strategies that could help you to fight insomnia and fall asleep, at least maybe for tonight.  Insomnia often has an …

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Stress Buster: Daily Exercise Promotes Resilience

Exercising May Boost Children’s Ability To Learn

Exercise is known to help relieve stress in adults, but less is known regarding children, and now a study from the University of Basel published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport has found that school children also cope better with stress if they get plenty of daily exercise. For this study, 110 …

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10 Tips to Help You Sleep Better on a Plane

Navigating the World: Maintaining Mental Health while Studying Abroad

Technological advancements have made air travel easier than ever with multiple amenities like free drinks, good food, and entertainment options. Then there are the more expensive classes like Economy Plus and Business or First Class, where you get even more value-added features, so you can have the most comfortable journey possible. However, it’s still traveling, …

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Why You Shouldn’t Resolve To Resolve Anything This Year

It’s Alive! A4M Doctors Are Winning Big & Changing The World Again

Each January sparks a flurry of New Year’s resolutions: drink less alcohol, eat better, quit smoking, spend less, exercise more, and so on. Many may try Dry January, 30-day diets or exercise challenges, or deleting social media apps – and the January Gym Rush speaks for itself. These goals can often be boiled down to …

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Gene Study Identifies Series Of DNA Variants Linked To Dyslexia

Gene Study Identifies Series Of DNA Variants Linked To Dyslexia

Around a third of the 42 genetic variants identified have been previously linked to general cognitive ability and educational attainment. The researchers say their findings, published in Nature Genetics journal, aid our understanding of the biology behind why some children struggle to read or spell. Genetic Study Dyslexia is known to run in families — …

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How To Look After Your Wellbeing While Planning A Wedding

Strategies To Help Slow Stress Eating

Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. But for many couples, the months leading up to the big day can be fraught with stress. From picking out the perfect venue to choosing your wedding party and sending out invitations, there’s a lot that goes into planning a wedding. There’s …

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Staying Positive And Upbeat Everyday Using Simple Skills

Staying Positive

Recently many people celebrated the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, a holiday celebrating light over darkness, real and spiritual. The holiday is a reminder of how hard it is to stay positive in a world, for millennia, that has evil in it. We light candles for 8 nights to give a physical expression of light, joy, …

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Engagement In The Arts May Extend Longevity

Keeping your brain active in old age has always been a smart idea, but a new study suggests that reading, writing letters and playing card games or puzzles in later life may delay the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia by up to five years. The research is published in the July 14, 2021, online issue of …

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Be Aware Of What Can Be Hiding Behind Hype

Risk For Diabetes & Obesity Linked To Common Food Ingredient

Lots of fads come and go that have had a lot of hype, some of which were good and some were bad. Today plant based is receiving a lot of attention, this is good and bad for various reasons.  It seems as if everywhere you look people, media, and big companies are looking to make …

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Cognitive Fitness

Cognitive Fitness

To paraphrase one of the most moving statements I have heard, this one is from Dr. Ron Klatz: The goal to anti-aging medicine isn’t simply to reach your 90s and beyond, rather to remain as healthy, independent, and mentally sharp as possible through the aging process, to have the time to enjoy spending it with …

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