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Study Identifies How The Brain Links Memories

Study Identifies How The Brain Links Memories

Our brains rarely record single memories. Instead, they store memories in groups so that the recollection of one significant memory triggers the recall of others that are connected chronologically. As we age, however, our brains gradually lose this ability to link related memories.   Now, according to the press release, UCLA researchers have discovered a key …

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The Connection Between Cocaine and Eating Disorders


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Coined almost a century ago, this proverb represents the importance of diet and nutrition as the first line of defense to keep ourselves healthy. But for some, maintaining a healthy diet is far more difficult. This isn’t because they don’t have access to proper nutrition. Instead, it …

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How Hormones Interact with Receptor Sites

Adverse Effects Of High Levels Of Estradiol In Men

This article was written by Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP and edited by Michelle Viola, PharmD,  of the Women’s International Pharmacy.  The Relation to Breast and Prostate Cancers There is no shortage of information and opinions concerning hormone treatments or the “best” way to test for hormone deficiencies, not to mention how to use hormones or …

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Electronic Skin That Reacts To Pain Like Human Skin

Skin Deep

A team of researchers at RMIT University have developed a new pain-sensing prototype of the skin can mimic the body’s feedback response and reacts to painful sensations with the same speed that nerve signals travel to the brain; this marks a significant advance towards next-generation biomedical technologies, smart prosthetics and even intelligent robots.  “Skin is …

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Surprising Benefits That Coffee May Have

Caffeine May Help Stave Off Age Related Cognitive Deficits

Most people like coffee, about 62% of Americans drink coffee on a daily basis, and as a whole around the globe over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day. Studies on coffee show it to have both negative and positive effects on health, some believe it does more harm while some believe the …

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Ying Yang: The Second Cannabinoid Receptor

Ying Yang: The Second Cannabinoid Receptor

To take advantage of the medicinal properties cannabis carries it is a must to understand the effects it can have on the body; as such elucidating the molecular structure of the receptors that bind endocannabinoids is a key step towards developing drugs that can differentiate between the two known receptors. Structure of the CB1 receptor …

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Obesity- Regulating Brain Signaling Pathway Genes

Obesity- Regulating Brain Signaling Pathway Genes

The signaling proteins acting in the hypothalamus to direct development of neuronal circuits involved in weight control have been identified by an international research team who have identified rare mutations in the genes for class 3 semaphorins in the severely obese, as published in Cell. Further investigations involving cultured cells and genetically engineered zebrafish and …

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