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Are Millions Without Insurance During This Pandemic?

Are Millions Without Insurance During This Pandemic?

A recent study suggests that millions of American workers have lost their jobs and insurance this spring, reaching a number that is higher than those from any full year of insurance losses, as an estimated 5.4 million have been stripped of their health insurance between February to May of 2020 in a stretch in which …

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Physician’s Recession Guide: How to Protect Your Practice During COVID-19

Physician’s Recession Guide: How to Protect Your Practice During COVID-19

Medical practices managing patients during the COVID-19 pandemic are being confronted with new and unique operational challenges as many have turned to telemedicine, bringing their services online to continue patient care. Other providers may find it increasingly difficult to continue conducting business in light of wide-scale cancellations of elective procedures and recommendations against in-person office …

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Socioeconomic Stresses May Compromise Life Expectancy


People who live in areas with lower household incomes more likely to die because of their personal and household characteristics and their community surroundings. Analyzing census data and vital statistics from Virginia (USA) counties and cities between 1990 and 2006, Steven H. Woolf, from Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia, USA), and colleagues revealed that one out …

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