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Understanding the Psychological Impact of Solo Remote Work

Understanding the Psychological Impact of Solo Remote Work

The work landscape has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, with an increasing number of individuals opting for remote work arrangements. One form of remote work that has gained traction is solo remote work, where individuals operate independently from their colleagues in a remote setting. While this setup offers flexibility and freedom, it also …

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Power of Telecommuting for Workers with Health Conditions

The Invisible Strain of Screen Time: How It Impacts Remote Workers and Freelancer’s Mental Health

Working solely from the traditional office space is not as necessary as it once was. Telecommuting is growing in popularity as a way for workers to experience a range of freedoms. Not to mention that businesses tend to gain from lower overheads and a satisfied workforce. Yet, it’s important to recognize that telecommuting can also …

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Healthy Conversations, Healthy Employees: The Benefits of Business Communication for Mental Health

The Role of Workplace Culture in Promoting Job Retention and Positive Mental Health

Mental health is a crucial component of overall well-being, and it is critical to examine the impact of a job on mental health. People spend a lot of time at work, so it’s critical to establish a welcoming, upbeat workplace culture that places a high priority on mental health. The promotion of mental health at …

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The Invisible Strain of Screen Time: How It Impacts Remote Workers and Freelancer’s Mental Health

The Invisible Strain of Screen Time: How It Impacts Remote Workers and Freelancer’s Mental Health

Screen time refers to the amount of time spent looking at screens, including computers, smartphones, televisions, and other digital devices. In today’s digital age, many of us spend a significant amount of time in front of screens every day. Remote workers and freelancers are individuals who work outside of a traditional office setting. Remote workers …

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Remote Working & Healthy Living

The Move To Working From Home Has Multiple Benefits

Working remotely sounds like a dream come true. No more traffic, no more long commutes, and no more office politics – these are some of the most common benefits of working remotely. But there are also plenty of challenges that come with it, such as feeling isolated or not having as much structure in your …

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Employee Engagement Programs: How to Improve Your Mental Health

Sitting Too Long Is Linked To Higher Risk Of Premature Death

There are few things more important to any company than its employees, who drive the success of a business. While employee engagement programs can help a company thrive, they also have an impact on the mental health of employees. Engaged Vs. Disengaged Employees A recent Gallup survey showed that only 33 percent of today’s employees …

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