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Research furthers case for exercise promoting youthfulness

Research furthers case for exercise promoting youthfulness

A recent paper published in the Journal of Physiology deepened the case for the youthfulness-promoting effects of exercise on aging organisms, building on previous work done with lab mice nearing the end of their natural lifespan that had access to a weighted exercise wheel. The densely detailed paper, “A molecular signature defining exercise adaptation with …

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Controlling cholesterol in microglia alleviates chronic pain, opioid-free

Microglia, Stockholm syndrome and miraculous cures in glioblastoma patients

Chemotherapy can induce a painful peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a chronic condition and common adverse effect for cancer patients undergoing treatment. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues elsewhere, have used a mouse model to demonstrate the pivotal role of cholesterol in CIPN, and proposed a novel therapeutic approach to reverse …

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‘An incredible discovery’: Researchers ID a gene that regenerates damaged muscles after a heart attack

Whole Slide Digital Imaging

Although humans show minimal regenerative capability, zebrafish can regenerate their hearts through a mechanism whereby heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) revert to a less mature state and then proliferate to replace the damaged tissue. Ogawa et al. show that Krüppel-like factor 1 (Klf1/Eklf), a transcription factor well known for its role in red blood cell development, …

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How CRISPR Is Changing Cancer Research and Treatment

How CRISPR Is Changing Cancer Research and Treatment

Ever since scientists realized that changes in DNA cause cancer, they have been searching for an easy way to correct those changes by manipulating DNA. Although several methods of gene editing have been developed over the years, none has really fit the bill for a quick, easy, and cheap technology. But a game-changer occurred in …

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Obesity Impairs Immune Cell Function

Obesity Impairs Immune Cell Function

According to a recent study from Harvard Medical School, high-fat diets allow cancer cells to outcompete immune cells for fuel, this impairs immune function and accelerates tumor growth in mice studies. This is done by cancer cells rewiring their metabolisms to increase fat consumption, and blocking the rewiring enhances anti-tumor immunity.  Over the years obesity …

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Researchers May Have Found The Gene Responsible For Cellular Aging

Anti-Aging Pill Getting Closer To Reality With Breakthrough

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin Madison believe that they have solved an anti-aging mystery by identifying a gene that is responsible for cellular aging. Research indicates that cellular reprogramming may be able to reverse the aging that leads to the decline in the activities and functions of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, but scientists have not …

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Patent Granted To Lineage & AgeX

IMC Has Taken The First Step To Challenge The FDA

Lineage Cell Therapeutics and AgeX Therapeutics have been awarded a United States Patent and Trademark Office patent for “Methods Of Reprogramming Animal Somatic Cells.”  “The issuance of this patent highlights Lineage’s dominant position in the field of cell therapy,” stated Brian M. Culley, CEO of Lineage. “Our efforts to develop new treatments rely on well-characterized …

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