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'Resetting' the injured brain offers clues for concussion treatment

Young Athletes With History Of Concussions May Have More Changes To Their Brains

New research in mice raises the prospects for the development of post-concussion therapies that could ward off cognitive decline and depression, two common conditions among people who have experienced a moderate traumatic brain injury. The research is published online in the Journal of Neuroscience. The study in mice clarified the role of specific immune cells …

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Dopamine Fasting: The Latest Craze In Silicon Valley

Dopamine Fasting: The Latest Craze In Silicon Valley

Dopamine fasting is the latest fad in Silicon Valley, the idea is that by reducing the brain’s feel good chemical via cutting back on things such as food, sex, alcohol, social media, chocolate, and technology followers may be able to reset their brain to be more effective and appreciate the simple things more easily; some …

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