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Is Your Sushi Safe?

Is Your Sushi Safe?

Sushi has fast become popular, in fact, it has become everyday fare around the World, with many people opting for sashimi and or raw fish when they want to treat themselves. But it is important to note that while sushi can be delicious it can also carry a health hazard for both individuals and society …

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Childhood Obesity Linked To Increased Risk Of Different Forms Of Diabetes In Adulthood

Childhood Obesity Linked To Increased Risk Of Different Forms Of Diabetes In Adulthood

Child obesity is linked to an increased risk of developing diabetes in adulthood, both autoimmune forms of diabetes and different forms of type 2 diabetes, a new study published in Diabetologia reports. The risk of developing the most insulin-resistant form of diabetes is, for example, three times as high in children with obesity. Diabetes affects …

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Drug Candidate Fights Off More Than 300 Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic Probiotic Combination May Eradicate Resistant Bacteria

Urinary tract infections are common, yet are increasingly tough to treat because the bacteria that cause them are becoming resistant to many antibiotics. Now, in ACS Central Science, researchers report a new molecule that inhibits drug-resistant bacteria in lab experiments, as well as in mice with pneumonia and urinary tract infections. The researchers say that …

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Highly Antibiotic-Resistant Strain Of MRSA That Arose In Pigs Can Jump To Humans

Dead Pig Brain Function Partially Restored

A new study has found that a highly antibiotic-resistant strain of the superbug MRSA — methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus — has emerged in livestock in the last 50 years, probably due to widespread antibiotic use in pig farming. The findings are published in the journal eLife. The strain, called CC398, has become the dominant type of …

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Aerobic Exercise Helps Hard-To-Treat High Blood Pressure

Aerobic Exercise Helps Hard-To-Treat High Blood Pressure

People whose blood pressure remains high despite taking several medications have what doctors refer to as resistant hypertension. Recently a small study has found that regular aerobic exercise may help these people lower their blood pressure. “Resistant hypertension persists as a big clinical challenge because the available treatment options to lower blood pressure in this …

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria found by River Cam

D.I.Y Hand Sanitizer

Researchers are highlighting the importance of basic personal hygiene, such as hand washing, after finding significant levels of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in wild bird faeces at locations close to the River Cam in Cambridgeshire, England. Results from the study, carried out by scientists from Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and published in the journal Ecology and Evolution, …

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Microplastic And Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria: The Double Threat

UNM Researchers Find Microplastics in Canine and Human Testicular Tissue

Microplastic pollution has been brought under the spotlight in recent years as the drastic effects on the environment are becoming increasingly clear. Wastewater treatment plants are a large source of microplastics entering the environment, with an average-sized wastewater treatment plant that serves around 400,000 people churning out 2 million microplastic particles into the circulating environment …

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Exosomes: Possible Target For Cancer Immunotherapy

Exosomes: Possible Target For Cancer Immunotherapy

RNA molecules were once thought to do their work inside cells, but it has become clear that RNA molecules are also active outside of the cell, with potentially major implications for health. NIH launched the Extracellular RNA Communication Program roughly 5 years ago to investigate unrecognized roles such as these. Recently researchers described progress in …

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Antibiotic Probiotic Combination May Eradicate Resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic Probiotic Combination May Eradicate Resistant Bacteria

Researchers from MIT have enlisted probiotics in the battle against drug resistant bacteria, and suggest that a combination of live probiotic with antibiotic drugs may help to treat two strains of drug resistant bacterias that often infect wounds, as published in the journal Advanced Materials. The researchers believe that encapsulating the probiotic bacteria in a …

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Hospital Superbug With Sticky Fingers


Antibiotic resistant Acinetobacter baumannii bacterium is considered to be one of the most harmful bacteria to cause nosocomial infections worldwide. This superbug has been discovered to be using tiny sticky finger like structures to attach to plastic medical devices. Antibodies have been developed by the researchers at the University of Turku to prevent the bacterial …

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