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Holiday Season Weight Gain

Gobble Gobble: National Day Of Celebration And Excess

The holiday season is fast approaching us, bringing with it the hustle and bustle of shopping and decorating, but it also brings the opportunity for bonding and creating warm memories. Let’s not forget all the delicious food and snacks that we get to enjoy at all of the gatherings and functions that we will be …

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Why You Shouldn’t Resolve To Resolve Anything This Year

It’s Alive! A4M Doctors Are Winning Big & Changing The World Again

Each January sparks a flurry of New Year’s resolutions: drink less alcohol, eat better, quit smoking, spend less, exercise more, and so on. Many may try Dry January, 30-day diets or exercise challenges, or deleting social media apps – and the January Gym Rush speaks for itself. These goals can often be boiled down to …

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Nanotechnology enables visualization of RNA structures at near-atomic resolution

Using CRISPR/Cas9 Systems To Target AIDS Genes

The combination of nucleic acid nanotechnology and cryo-EM gives unprecedented insights into the structures of large and small RNAs, enabling fundamental advances in RNA biology and drug design We live in a world made and run by RNA, the equally important sibling of the genetic molecule DNA. In fact, evolutionary biologists hypothesize that RNA existed …

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Realistic Diet Resolutions

Grazing May Be A Terrible Idea

The time of year has come once more when people decide to focus on health and appearance. Gym memberships and people starting diets are at high this time of year, not to say that it is a bad idea but in the long run for most it is probably better to look into it seriously …

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Resolution Solution

Dating Deception: Sexual Activation Increases Lying

Article courtesy of Dr. Nicholas DiNubile, Vice President of the A4M, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine, best selling author, keynote speaker, and one of our medical editors who is dedicated to keeping you healthy in body, mind and spirit. “May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions”  -Joey Adams …

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