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Biobots With Walking Rhythm Thanks To New Spinal Cord

Biobots With Walking Rhythm Thanks To New Spinal Cord

Image courtesy of Collin Kaufman at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Tiny walking spinobots that are currently being developed powered by rat muscle and spinal cord tissue on a soft 3D printed hydrogel skeleton have taken a step forward, as the integration of the spinal cord gives them a more natural walking rhythm over …

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THC Found To Restore Memory & Performance Of Older Mice


Cannabis may be an anti-aging powerhouse, new research is discovering that the plant has incredible restorative benefits for the brain, as reported by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Upwards of 14 million Americans are estimated to be living with some form of dementia by the year 2050 which could cost $1.1 trillion. Pharmaceutical treatments continue …

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