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Retirement Reimagined: The Therapeutic Wonders of Travel in The Golden Years

Elderhood: Rethink Aging And Redefine Old Age

Most people think that retirement is a time to slow down, rest, and spend sleepy evenings with the family. However, if you’re new to retirement, you may feel the urge to put your newfound freedom to good use. Reimagining your retirement can help you make the most of your golden years. You don’t need to …

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Senior Safety First: Tips for Independent Living

Keeping An Active Social Life May Help Seniors Live Longer

As we age, the desire for independence remains strong, and many seniors choose to live on their terms, embracing the freedom that comes with independent living. However, with this newfound autonomy, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize senior safety. In 2020, 14.7 million older individuals lived alone in their community (5 million men and 9.7 …

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The Forgotten Middle-Class Struggle In Retirement

Longevity May Be Redefining Retirement & The Workforce

According to research by the USC Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics and the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health published in Health Affairs, modern lower-middle-class Americans nearing retirement are worse off than their counterparts of two decades ago, while the upper-middle-class have largely seen improvements. Lower-middle-class Americans were able to carve out …

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Taking Care of Elderly Parents at Home

Frailty: Rising Global Health Burden For An Aging Society

Our parents only wanted the best for us when we were growing up, hence it is only natural for us to also want what’s best for them, especially now that they are at a vulnerable age. This is also why a lot of us prefer a nursing facility. It is understandable to believe that they …

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Lonely Lives Of Seniors

Elderly Health in the Times of COVID Go Beyond the Virus

According to a recent British study an alarming number of home bodied seniors go entire weeks without talking to another person as just part of their everyday lives. The study sheds some light on this sad but true effect of aging, noting that hundreds of thousands of elderly people often go multiple days without speaking …

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When Do You Become Old?

London’s Annual Longevity Week Forum

Is age really just a number? To many it is, and more so scientifically chronological age doesn’t always match biological age; chronological age is the number of years a person has been alive, while biological age refers to how old a person feels and this is also referred to a physiological age which takes into …

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Study On Senior Community Loneliness & Isolation


According to a recent study published in Aging and Mental Health the best way to overcome the loneliness and isolation of senior community living is to have wise expectations about this stage of life, accept things will not be exactly the same as in younger years, to try to move forward with your independence and …

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Exoskeletons Being Utilized In Japan To Assist An Aging Workforce

Smart Artificial Hand Merges User And Robotic Control

Japan has a rapidly aging population which is currently at a record level of being 28% made up of those aged 65+ that has led to a shortage of workers, particularly in manual labor industries such as farming, manufacturing, and construction.  To help address the shortage and help the older population able to meet the …

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Rolling Back Aging: 70 Is The New 65

Rolling Back Aging: 70 Is The New 65

The Office for National Statistics recently released a report stating that the onset of old age now starts five years later at the age of 70 rather than 65; this could signal significant implications for future health and social care as well an increased interest for investment into anti-aging and longevity research and development.  Traditionally …

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Longevity May Be Redefining Retirement & The Workforce

Longevity May Be Redefining Retirement & The Workforce

Most Americans shared a similar view of retirement 50 years ago; one left a 9-5 job and transitioned into the golden years of a period of 10-15 years to live off of a pension plan and enjoy leisure for the rest of life. Skip forward to modern day, and it becomes much harder to say …

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