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Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Poor glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes can be predicted from patient information systems with the help of machine learning

According to Professor Roy Taylor, their research has shown that:   Type 2 diabetes is caused by a small amount of excess fat inside the liver and inside the pancreas   It is a potentially reversible condition   If a person has type 2 diabetes, they have become too heavy for their own body (nothing …

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Biological Clock Reversal Restores Vision In Old Mice

Gene Identified In Mice That Controls Food Cravings And Desire To Exercise

According to a study co-authored by David Sinclair, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School Boston, published in Nature, vision has been restored in old mice with damaged retinal nerves by resetting some of the thousands of chemical markers that accumulate on DNA with age.  This study suggests a new approach to reversing age-related decline by …

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Has The Elixir Of Eternal Youth Been Found?

Telomerase Discovery With Potential Combat Cancer And Aging

Researchers appear to have found the secret to eternal youth in animal studies which may pave the way to a forever young drug, as published in the journal Nature. If results can be transferred to humans, lives could be longer and healthier, and possibly free from illnesses such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, while …

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Vitamin C Reverses Abnormalities Caused by Disease of Accelerated Aging


Canadian scientists show that vitamin C stops, and even reverses, accelerated aging in a mouse model of Werner’s syndrome, a disease of accelerated aging that can cause cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart failure, and high cholesterol. People with Werner’s syndrome begin to show signs of accelerated aging in their 20s and develop age-related diseases and generally …

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