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Adaptogens To Help Relieve Stress

Adaptogens To Help Relieve Stress

Stress affects just about everyone, accumulation can lead to some undesirable consequences making learning ways to manage stress levels important; along with meditation, yoga, and mindfulness adaptogens can help you fight stress. Adaptogens are a class of nontoxic herbs and roots that have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicines to help boost the …

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Supporting Telomeres For Longer Healthspans

44 Genomic Variants Linked To Depression

Telomeres start to shorten even before you are born, and keep shortening with age. By middle age telomeres are significantly shorter, which is not good news for health. Shorter telomeres increase chances of cells becoming old and dormant as it means that your cells are becoming less functional and capable of repairing themselves. Slowing the …

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