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Risk Factors In Adults With Cardiovascular Disease Are Worsening Over Time Despite Advances In Secondary Prevention, Study Shows

Lifestyle Factors May Be The Best Way To Reduce Risk Of Dementia

In an analysis of medical information of more than 6,000 American adults with a history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine conclude that CVD risk “profiles” in secondary prevention have failed to improve over the last two decades. Secondary prevention refers to the prevention of recurrent cardiovascular events such as heart attack …

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Does Blood Pressure Have A Pattern?

Blacks Have Shorter Life Spans After Surviving Heart Stoppage: Study

Blood pressure does have a daily pattern, it is normally lower at night while sleeping and starts to rise a few hours before you wake up. Additionally blood pressure is typically higher in the winter and lower in the summer due to low temperatures causing blood vessels to narrow which increases blood pressure.  Blood pressure …

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Four Preventable Risk Factors Underscore Health Disparities


In the United States, smoking, high blood pressure, elevated glucose, and overweight/obesity affect, to varying degrees, residents’ life expectancy and disease-specific deaths. While life expectancy and overall health have increased steadily in the United States over recent years, health disparities — differences in how often certain diseases occur and cause death in groups of people …

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