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Remarkably Fit 93-Year-Old Offers Tips On Aging

Remarkably Fit 93-Year-Old Offers Tips On Aging

Richard Morgan is 93 years young, but he’s probably unlike most nonagenarians (a person between 90-99 years old) that you have ever met. This inspiring Irishman is probably fitter than most people, he’s estimated to be as fit as a 40-year-old, and proof that it is never too late to make lifestyle changes and start a …

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Benefits From Rowing, According to Science

Benefits From Rowing, According to Science

Rowing is a fantastic form of exercise that has numerous health benefits from increased strength and stamina to burning calories by the dozen. Also known as an ergometer, the rowing machine is a standard in most gyms and provides a killer workout that will have you looking lean and mean in no time. What Is …

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