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Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

Stop The Clock: Rules For Immortality

The rules for immortality are taken from the book “Stopping the Clock” which was written by Dr. Ron Klatz and Dr. Bob Goldman, who are the co-founders of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). Their book was recently reviewed in The Business Mirror’s Triple Digits Column dedicated to prioritizing books featuring “breakthroughs in age …

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A Large Portion Of European Studies Are Failing To Report Results

Designing A Trial To Create Personalized Anti-aging Programs

A new study suggests that half of tracked clinical trials across Europe have not reported trials, biopharmas are doing better that academic peers at disclosing data, as published in BMJ. EUTrials Tracker tool data shows that 48.9% of clinical trials should have reported results but have not to do so, only 51.1% of clinical trials …

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