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Driving Through Anxiety: How Accidents Can Affect Mental Well-Being

Why Is Mental Health Important?

You’re sitting in your car, minding your own business on your commute home from work when – BAM! – some jerk rear-ends you. As you sit there waiting for the police to arrive, you start to feel your heart racing and your hands shaking. Could this fender bender lead to serious anxiety behind the wheel? …

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Winter Blues And Blue Monday

Winter Blues And Blue Monday

Apparently, the third Monday of January is called Blue Monday, this day is said to be the gloomiest day of the year. According to the concept it is called this because of the combination of post-holiday recovery, resolution failures, as well as financial and credit statements arriving, and falling on a dark, long winter day.  …

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Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD)

Seasonal Depression Risk at All-Time High During Pandemic Winter

Is the long, cold winter getting you down? For people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the change in seasons brings on a form of depression. Most often, it begins in late fall or early winter each year and goes away in the spring and summer. Common signs of SAD include low energy, overeating, and sleeping …

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