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Going Braless: Is It Bad To Not Wear A Bra?

Going Braless: Is It Bad To Not Wear A Bra?

When the world seems like it’s spinning out of control, you might as well throw on your favorite stretchy pants and tee and navigate the chaos comfortably, right?   That’s just what a lot of us did during the last year — we found solace in our comfy clothes. No more restrictive suits or dresses. We …

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Rapamycin May Slow Skin Aging

Zombie Cell Anti-Aging Breakthrough

Once you hit a certain age you start to see subtle changes and many begin to search for options to hold onto the appearance of youthfulness for as long as they can in the form of lotions, potions, creams, supplements, serums, diets, and concoctions among others. Soon there may be a new addition to the …

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Natural Facelift: Facial Exercises/Yoga

Facial Exercises Yield Firmer Skin

The face has 60 different muscle all of which respond well to firming and toning exercises. Facial yoga/exercises can help to rejuvenate the face by encouraging underlying muscle growth to effectively provide a safe, natural, non-toxic, non-invasive facelift to loose hanging skin that is a natural free alternative to Botox, even after surgery. Loose, sagging, …

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