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Increased consumption of whole grains could significantly reduce the economic impact of type 2 diabetes

Whole Grains Evidenced to Change Gut Microbiota and Potentially Improve Liver Health

Increased consumption of whole grain foods could significantly reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes and the costs associated with its treatment in Finland, according to a recent study by the University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. The findings were published in Nutrients. “Our study shows that already one …

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Most People Don’t Have The Assets To Endure 3 Months Without Income

Most People Don’t Have The Assets To Endure 3 Months Without Income

The current case of palpable poverty: a high percentage of Americans are on the brink of financial disaster with 77% low to moderate income households dipping below the asset poverty threshold according to a recent study conducted by Oregon State University.  This means that in the event of job loss or income loss, such as …

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Vegetables May Soon Be Prescribed Instead Of Drugs

Vegetables May Soon Be Prescribed Instead Of Drugs

Prevention is better than a cure, and soon eating healthier foods may be prescribed by doctors to help prevent chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. That’s right food can be medicine.  Healthy food prescription has been found to help improve health, which could be more economical over the long haul. Medicare and Medicaid …

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