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Treating the ‘root’ cause of baldness with a dissolvable microneedle patch

How Stress Causes Hair Loss

Although some people say that baldness is the “new sexy,” for those losing their hair, it can be distressing. An array of over-the-counter remedies are available, but most of them don’t focus on the primary causes: oxidative stress and insufficient circulation. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano have designed a preliminary microneedle patch containing cerium …

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5 Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil For Hair And Scalp

5 Benefits Of Hemp Seed Oil For Hair And Scalp

In the modern age, people have started to move towards recreational and natural remedial substances. Not only do these have therapeutic benefits, but they also have less-known or minimal side-effects as compared to the prescribed medications. Hemp oil is one of the supplements that users utilize the most and is backed by some of the …

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