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Loss Of Male Sex Chromosome Leads To An Earlier Death For Men

The Shrinking Y Chromosome

The loss of the male sex chromosome as many men age causes the heart muscle to scar and can lead to deadly heart failure, new research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine shows. The finding may help explain why men die, on average, several years younger than women. UVA researcher Kenneth Walsh, Ph.D., …

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Can We Go From Scarface To Scarless?

Age-Related Skin Mircrobiome Discovery

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba find that a species of salamander can regenerate its skin without scars and could possibly be used as a model system for studying human skin Although human skin heals from injuries and wounds, many of us have scars that are left behind. Scar formation happens in adult mammals because …

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Microgel Coating Gives Donor Cells A Boost In Reversing Pulmonary Fibrosis

Scientists identify small-molecule cocktail to improve stem cell use in research and disease treatments

Researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago have shown that even after lung tissue has been damaged, it may be possible to reverse fibrosis and promote tissue repair through treatment with microgel-coated mesenchymal stromal cells. Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic disease caused by environmental toxins, medications, or medical conditions like pneumonia and rheumatoid arthritis. It …

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Lasting Effects Of This Coronavirus

Fat Found In Lungs Of Those Who Are Obese

Some symptoms of COVID-19 are strange with some of them being debilitating, what’s more is that some of them can persist and are proving to be hard to shake, ranging from extreme fatigue to weight loss, numbness, as well as breathing difficulties to rashes and chest pain.  The most troubling is that the virus may …

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