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The Connection Between Cocaine and Eating Disorders


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Coined almost a century ago, this proverb represents the importance of diet and nutrition as the first line of defense to keep ourselves healthy. But for some, maintaining a healthy diet is far more difficult. This isn’t because they don’t have access to proper nutrition. Instead, it …

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FDA: CBD Shouldn’t Be A Controlled Substance

FDA: CBD Shouldn’t Be A Controlled Substance

The FDA acknowledged that cannabidiols should not be a control subject, but international treaties require it to be treated as one in a memo that was written after the federal agency approved the first drug made with CBDs earlier in the year. Dr.Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health in the US Health and Human Services …

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First Marijuana Based Medication Approved By FDA

First Marijuana Based Medication Approved By FDA

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first drug derived from cannabis oil for use nationwide within the USA, which will be used for treatment of two rare forms of epilepsy. Epidiolex is made from cannabidiol components of marijuana known for its muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties. CBDs administered as thick oil …

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