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Spring Is In The Air, Unfortunately So Are Allergens

Spring Is In The Air, Unfortunately So Are Allergens

Ah Spring, the wonderful time of year when the cold begins to fade away, trees and flowers start to blossom revealing splashes of fresh vibrant colors and sleeping wildlife comes out of hiding. How wonderful and glorious! But if you suffer from seasonal allergies, all these pretty changes in scenery may make you feel worse, …

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Potential Universal Flu Vaccine Trial


A Phase 1 clinical trial of a novel influenza vaccine has begun inoculating healthy adult volunteers at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The placebo-controlled trial will test the safety of a candidate vaccine, BPL-1357, and its ability to prompt immune responses. The vaccine candidate was developed by researchers at the …

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Infections from respiratory viruses follow a predictable seasonal pattern, researchers find

You May Be Able To Catch The Flu Just By Breathing

A clear-cut seasonal pattern of respiratory viruses has been identified by University of Alberta researchers and could help hospitals plan ahead for waves of sick patients. Bouts of respiratory illness from six viruses that were analyzed by the U of A team all peak in January and hit a low in June, and the peaks …

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Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD)

Seasonal Depression Risk at All-Time High During Pandemic Winter

Is the long, cold winter getting you down? For people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), the change in seasons brings on a form of depression. Most often, it begins in late fall or early winter each year and goes away in the spring and summer. Common signs of SAD include low energy, overeating, and sleeping …

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Why Seasonal Flu Vaccines Don’t Stay Long Term

DNA Based Vaccines May Be In Our Future

A recent study published in Science from researchers at Emory Vaccine Center provides some new insight as to why seasonal flu vaccines could last for months but not years. For immune cells bone marrow is the home base that produces antibodies. While the seasonal flu vaccine may increase the number of antibody-producing cells for the …

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