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Second Hand Smoke Linked To High Blood Pressure

Second Hand Smoke Linked To High Blood Pressure

It may be best to stay away from that smoky car or room until it has cleared according to research presented at EuroHeartCare 2019. “Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke regardless of whether the smoker is still in the room. Our study in non-smokers shows that the risk of high blood pressure is higher with longer …

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Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Linked to Heart Attacks & Strokes Later in Life

Secondhand Smoke in Childhood Linked to Heart Attacks & Strokes Later in Life

Irreversibly damaging the structure of arteries, exposure to secondhand smoke in childhood may raise the risk of cardiovascular events in adult years. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, of which 250 are known to be harmful to human health and 50 of which have been identified as cancer-causing.  …

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Health Consequences of Secondhand Tobacco Smoke


Non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke are more likely to develop early signs of heart disease. Coronary artery calcification, a build-up of calcium in the artery walls as seen on a low-dose computed tomography scan, is a marker of heart disease.   Harvey Hecht, from Mount Sinai Medical Center (New York, USA), and colleagues …

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