Since 1996 WHN is the second oldest medical website on the net, second only to the American Medical Association, servicing over 35,000 physicians and scientists worldwide.

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The Healing Power of Online Communities: How Connecting with Others Benefits Both Patients and Caregivers

The Healing Power of Online Communities: How Connecting with Others Benefits Both Patients and Caregivers

A strong sense of community can do wonders for your mental health and wellbeing. Feeling supported by your family and friends can improve your resilience and strengthen your social connections, too. However, many patients and caregivers may find it difficult to connect with their local community. If you’re a caregiver, you may struggle to find …

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Senior Safety First: Tips for Independent Living

Keeping An Active Social Life May Help Seniors Live Longer

As we age, the desire for independence remains strong, and many seniors choose to live on their terms, embracing the freedom that comes with independent living. However, with this newfound autonomy, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize senior safety. In 2020, 14.7 million older individuals lived alone in their community (5 million men and 9.7 …

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From Request to Response: The Journey of Healthcare Information Release

Millions Of Patient Medical & Financial Records Hacked

Access to healthcare information is critical to patient-centric care and informed decision-making in the modern healthcare landscape, where patient empowerment is a top priority. This journey includes the meticulous process of granting patients and authorized parties access to pertinent medical records and data. As healthcare organizations increasingly adopt a patient-centric approach, a well-structured release of …

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Securing Seniority: Creating Your Own Financial and Health Safety Net

Longevity May Be Redefining Retirement & The Workforce

If you want to secure your future, it’s a good idea to create a retirement and later-in-life financial and healthcare safety net that isn’t reliant on Social Security or Medicare. At first, this may seem complicated, but with the right planning and resources, it is possible to effectively cover yourself moving forward.  Insurance When you …

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Food Cyber Attacks Forecast

Pesticides Can Do More Than Ward Off Insects

The wide-ranging use of smart technologies is raising global agricultural production but international researchers warn this digital-age phenomenon could reap a crop of another kind — cybersecurity attacks. Complex IT and math modeling at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, Aix-Marseille University, France, and Flinders University in South Australia, have highlighted the risks in a …

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Obesity Threatens US Military Readiness

Kidney Stones On The Rise In USA

A new Perspective published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior outlines the research and practices needed to combat the American obesity epidemic and its impact on military readiness Obesity is recognized as a public health crisis with serious medical and economic effects, but a Perspective in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, …

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Bleak Cyborg Future from Brain-Computer Interfaces if We’re Not Careful

Peter 2.0 Is Live: The First Fully Functioning Human Cyborg

Researchers warn of the potential social, ethical, and legal consequences of technologies interacting heavily with human brains. Surpassing the biological limitations of the brain and using one’s mind to interact with and control external electronic devices may sound like the distant cyborg future, but it could come sooner than we think. Researchers from Imperial College …

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People may trust computers more than humans

People may trust computers more than humans

Despite increasing concern over the intrusion of algorithms in daily life, people may be more willing to trust a computer program than their fellow humans, especially if a task becomes too challenging, according to new research from data scientists at the University of Georgia. From choosing the next song on your playlist to choosing the …

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What Clinicians Need to Know About Mounting Healthcare Cyberattacks

What Clinicians Need to Know About Mounting Healthcare Cyberattacks

Alongside the increase in telemedicine use there has been a corresponding rise in ransomware attacks and other cybercriminal activity directly targeting healthcare organizations. In October 2020, the FBI and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued an alert regarding hackers which are increasingly using “RYUK” ransomware to target hospital systems during the second wave …

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Ethics of Wearables: How Health Providers Use Health Data Insights from Wellness Technology

Ethics of Wearables: How Health Providers Use Health Data Insights from Wellness Technology

Wearable devices have opened new possibilities for personal fitness, enabling proactive individuals to set personal health and wellness goals, chart progress, and challenge themselves to reach higher standards. While wearables offer a number of applications for individual health, they also present some significant ethical concerns. In particular, questions have arisen about the role of organizations …

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